Hi Folks. I am writing this on a cold but clear Saturday morning and have been thinking about the content that I am putting out here on my Substack.
Across the last month I have increased the content I put out and made the overwhelming majority of it free for people to read. I was curious to see what the result would be. Would readers think this is good stuff and worth paying a monthly subscription for? The answer is I got MORE free subscribers and actually LOST paid subscribers. I suppose that is an obvious result when you think about it - people like free stuff. It is a very British trait.
However, that impacts negatively on me. I am happy to throw myself into this platform and all I ask is that you consider subscribing to me for £5 a month, the price of a coffee in certain posh establishments. Thankfully a small number of you do this but the VAST majority don’t which is a bit disheartening. There is a 90% chance if you read this, you are doing so as a FREE subscriber.
So, new rules. I will continue to put out good content here and it will be challenging, thoughtful and maybe even with some humour.
But it will be subscriber based.
If you are prepared to support me, I am prepared to do the work for you. If you want something for nothing, I am sorry, that’s not going work out for me.
This is will be last free post.
I cancelled my Sky subscription years ago when they wanted over £30 a month and now I understand people pay £50 or more for mostly complete rubbish! I am happy to pay a fiver for quality, unbiased and entertaining content David. Long may you continue.
I've been a subscriber here, before that on Donor Box, and then back to the Patreon days. I've always believed your work, David, to be essential listening and now also reading. Money well spent..