Back in 1998, the Tony Blair Labour Government backed by Bill Clinton in the USA and the EU, foisted the “Good Friday Agreement” on the people of Northern Ireland. I was amongst those who actively campaigned against it as I believed it rewarded terrorists, inverted democracy and set the seeds for the gradual removal of Northern Ireland from the UK! I even wrote a book about it .. here!
However, with the US/UK/EU cabal all pushing for it with the assistance of the bought and paid for mainstream media, it easily passed and people voted for it. My side lost but time would prove us right. Now let’s fast forward to last evening when a vote took place in the Stormont Assembly.
On the first occasion that Stormont has got to vote on the NI Protocol's Irish Sea border provisions, as expected, 100% of nationalist (SF & SDLP) & 100% of 'other' (Alliance & PBP) MLAs vote for the sea border - and 100% of unionists (DUP, UUP, TUV & independent) voted against.
For the past 50 years, every vote of substance that has happened in Northern Ireland has been on a cross community basis meaning that there must be a MAJORITY of Unionists and a MAJORITY of Nationalists voting to allow to pass. But not last night. ALL Unionists voted against it but it still passed because there were greater number on the other side. This simply exceptionalism shows that the entire “political process” is a stitch up from start to finish, rules can be invented from thin air.
The reason that the rules were twisted by the new Labour Government was to ensure that the EU compliant “Irish Sea Border” stayed in place, regardless of how insulting this is to the British people living in Northern Ireland and how damaging it is to importers. In essence this was a pro EU British Government and a majority of pro EU MLA’s all uniting to ensure that NI stays in the Single Market, subject to the ECJ and kept apart from Great Britain. The EU is always opposed to legitimate democracy, that’s why the Left likes it so much.
We should have been enjoying the best parts of both sides of the trade divide. Able to rake in millions as a hub with ties to both the UK and EU.
Now, through bad actors wishing to scupper that ability, we find items such as even a lowly baseball cap can't be delivered from even Amazon or Ebay.
Could it have been a long game attempt at a united Ireland, by making life as uncomfortable and awkward as possible, so driving us to rush back to the EU and it's love of making every waking decision on our behalf.
Or just incompetent politicians on the Unionist side. Trump regaining presidency won't help our trade woes, with tariffs slapped on our own exports. 10% probably on Bushmills whisky. I don't see much of a prosperous future as a sovereign territory, when we'll have to comply with two sets of ever expanding red tape.
He says he wants to be a middle man between the UK political parties. That leads me to think he He always quits his leadership roles just when he's garnering a good following.
I haven't written him off completely, but I wonder if he stands for right or left wing politics or is he attempting a Trump style bringing together of all shades, shining a light on deep state establishment figures..
He's not reliable in a crisis as a steadying force. Yet..
Thanks for your questions. Appreciate you. Here ends PMQs lite. 😂