Well then, Sir Keir Starmer’s selection of Lord Peter Mandelson as the next Ambassador to the United States has caused quite the political stir. The official UK media narrative is the the urbane and intelligent Mandelson can charm the Trump regime into working with the UK and creating favourable economic reciprocity. However I fear this may be yet another catastrophic miscalculation by Starmer and not the act of political genius some are claiming.
The truth of the matter is that Mandelson has a long track record. He was forced to resign not once but twice from ministerial office during his time with Tony Blair. It was during these years he earned the sobriquet “Prince of Darkness” in recognition of his schmoozing and scheming behind the scenes, he was the spin doctor who seemed to revel in his nickname. He was loathed by many but he was a capable Mr Fix It for Blair during some of those years. However there are some areas of awkwardness which Team Trump will be aware. Take this;
This met with the following ..ahem..robust response from former Trump campaign manager Chris LaCivita!
Ouch! And others in Team Trump will share this same analysis! However no one should underestimate how charming Mandelson can be. For example, he was good friends with Jeffrey Epstein. Then again…
It seems to me that Starmer is banking on Lord Mandelson to use his urbane charm and flattery to convince Trump that Labour can be a trusted partner. I feel that this underestimates the President Elect who should be able smell the stench of sulphur a mile off! The Prince of Darkness should be sent into exile.
I remember exhibiting at the BADA antiques fair back in the day . It was just after Mandelson had been sacked from the government because of his fraudulent claims in securing a mortgage. I felt physically sick watching him come into the fair with his boyfriend and mince around the stands . I imagine all this will really impress the future president of the United States ( not)
Hes blair creep