The Matrix is calling..
I’m writing this at 35,000 ft as I travel to London for the day and as we enter the final day of the UK General Election. From this altitude the world looks a bit different. The matrix is telling you that you have a political choice between Labour, Conservatives or Labour. In other words the Uniparty! But it’s no choice at all - it’s all the same with a few variations. People will rush out to vote for “Change” even though the only change they will get is between bad and worse. That’s not worth a vote, is it? Yet the media assiduously seduce you into seeing change where there is none.
So what is there to vote for? Well, the only true national alternative is Reform. Led by former Brexiter Nigel Farage, it seems to offer at least a choice on policies. No Net Zero destruction, Immigration halted, UK leaves the dreadful European Court of Human Rights, BBC license tax axed, tax reduced. It’s fairly mild but at least it’s a bit different. And it’s a beginning of a mass movement and millions will support it tomorrow to the horror of the Establishment.
Of course there are smaller micro parties such as Heritage and UKip which also have good ideas and may be worth voting for. Depending on where you live you may have options.
Another option is not to vote at all and stay away from the whole process. I think this is reasoning but it has the downside of ensuring you are governed by those you dislike. Perhaps that is the consequence anyway?
It has been said that democracy is two wolves and a chicken sitting down to decide what to have for dinner. Choose wisely!