It is on such a day as this that I wished I lived in London so that I could have been at Royal Courts of Justice today to see Tommy Robinson CLEARED of all charge against him following his attendance as a journalist as an anti-Semitism march in London. As Tommy puts it…
The arrest was unlawful, the bail conditions were unlawful, everything that happened from start to finish was unlawful.
By contrast, the fakestream media are spinning it as if it was dismissed because of one inaccurate date! No, it was dismissed because the Judge determined that there was no case to answer. Tommy Robinson will now take the Metropolitan Police to court, which is fitting and ironic.
Tommy is sensible enough to realise that the process is the punishment. Donald Trump also understands this. Those who deploy lawfare against enemies of the (Deep) State do so because of the financial and emotional distress it causes their opponents, the actual verdict is incidental! In this case the Judge concluded that the Metropolitan Police has failed to make any credible case against Tommy Robinson and the case out. However actually fighting his case cost Tommy Robinson £60,000 which he will hopefully recover in full. It’s not often we see the Courts providing a decent result so we should relish this - particularly on St. George’s Day!
Biggest shock is that there are still some uncorrupted judges and occasionally a fair outcome. Very rare in these tyrannical days!
Regardless of what you think of Tommy Robinson he’s the exemplar for establishment persecution against truth telling. If the political establishment (which includes the modern police force) approached the policing of terrorism the way approached the policing of Tommy Robinson I don’t think Britain would have a terrorism problem.