Let’s start by considering their evil God, Baphomet. This Satanic symbol is a “Sabbatic Goat”—a hermaphroditic winged human figure with the head and feet of a goat. Got that, it has male and female anatomy. Now read on…
Now let’s talk about the modern transgender movement which seems to have gathered amazing momentum over the past few short years. This is the movement that asserts men can become women and women can become men. Despite the biological impossibility of this, it is now stated almost as if it were a fact and laws are in place to protect the people who engage in this fake transitioning.
But there is another angle to it. The Bible makes it clear that God made us all and that means we are male or female because that was his intent. To claim we can change this is a rejection of God and thus an act of Satanic defiance and in a nutshell that is what I think is going on within this trans movement.
It has a power that comes directly from Satan and no Christian can possibly associate with it. Rather it must be REJECTED in whole. Part of the trans propaganda is to get children to accept its core ideology and in a sense that recruits them into the Baphomet army. So we should NOT tolerate any aspect of this dark ideology and we should be very wary of its satanic apostles.
Another aspect that the media won't touch,is the level of sexual perversion within these people. Are we really going to believe that transvestism no longer exists? We never hear of it. Men dressing as women for sexual pleasure. And these are the sort of people that they want to allow I to women's private spaces,?
I agree wholeheartedly, David. There is clearly a Satanic aspect to this movement. It has spread like a cancer through society, with a totalitarian force that it must be accepted. Christians can not accept it in any way.