Ever wonder just how dark the forces are that lie behind this whole Ukraine/Russia situation? We all can see the obvious escalation that has taken place since the Democrats lost the US Presidency and it looks like they (and the UK) are determined to rest Russia’s military and nuclear resolve. By manipulating this transition window, the world can be shuffled to a potential nuclear war and you really have to wonder why?
Both the Biden administration and the Starmer regime have given Zelensky the green light to launch intercontinental ballistic missiles that they have supplied into Russia. It seems likely that the people operating these advanced missiles systems are also American and British. So is it a stretch for Putin to conclude that the US and UK are literally at war with his country and if so, what might he do?
The NATO/Western media approach is to suggest that Putin deserves all he gets and that his rhetoric is just hollow bellicosity. I think this is incredibly dangerous thinking and who knows where it might lead. Just the other day, Russia changed it’s threshold for a nuclear response;
Russian President Vladimir Putin's broadened nuclear doctrine appeared to be a thinly veiled threat to the United States and its allies over their ramped-up support for Ukraine. The updated document includes a change that allows for Moscow to launch a nuclear strike if attacked by a non-nuclear country, such as Ukraine, that is supported by a nuclear state, such as the U.S. It was formally approved the same day that Kyiv used its first U.S.-supplied long-range ATACMS missiles against Russia.
This has been dismissed by the Western powers and hence the escalation we see. What makes it really bad is the Deep State knows that the Ukraine grift is OVER when Donald Trump is sworn in as President on 20th January. Even Zelensky sees this. So in order to avert the coming PEACE, the US/UK axis of evil throw their most powerful weapons at Russia to test Putin and make money for themselves in the process.
All of this reckless with the prospect of nuclear war suggests to me that it is a very dark anti-life force driving this conflict. While it may manifest as fighting on the ground it strikes me the real battle is the eternal spiritual one. The blood soaked soil on the Donbas is a testament to the evil intent behind this totally un-necessary colic and the loss of all those Ukrainian and Russian soldiers just another ritual sacrifice.
Thankyou David.
The so called Democratic Party, in the US, did not hesitate to order a political hit in Butler, Pennsylvania.
Christian America has retaken their country, in a landslide election, which made it abundantly clear, that this is the THIRD time, that Americans have chosen Trump.
The Biden Regime was obviously unelected.
In 2020 and 2024 Americans voted against war, and for peace.
The so called Democratic Party, have shown their utter contempt, for the system of Representative Government, which obtains in both the US and the UK by ...
engaging in shameless election fraud in the two elections of 2020 and 2024 ...
trying to murder the people's choice Donald Trump ...
inventing ridiculous lawsuits against the people's choice, Donald Trump ...
inventing a ridiculous insurrection allegation against the people's choice, Donald Trump ...
installing the puppet government of Joseph Biden, in the place of elected Donald Trump ...
when, by God's grace, Mr Biden lost his mind, and could no longer keep up the pretense of being both elected and competent, the so called Democratic Party, and their Propaganda Wing, the legacy media, and Hollywood, straight out lied to everybody's faces, saying he was as sharp as a tack ...
and they kept on saying it, because, Mr Biden was never anybody's President. He was just the talking head, that carried out the orders, of the so called Democratic Party ...
which is why, they allowed no vote, regarding his replacement on the Electoral Ticket ...
The so called Democratic Party, has now shown their ultimate contempt, not only for Americans, and their electoral system, but for their white skinned, English speaking, British cousins also, by bringing nuclear war, closer to England's door, than at any time in history ...
and this, in the dying weeks, of their unelected reign, after Americans have voted, incontrovertibly, against war and for peace.
We are attached to the system of Representative Government, not least because, it is the system of government, which makes war, in our country, less likely, than any other system.
The National Socialist Labour conserfatif Party, in the UK, sought to interfere in the US election, because they ALSO do not believe in Representative Government, and they wish their fellow travellers, in World Wide Socialism, to remain, in unelected power, in the most powerful country on earth.
National Socialists want two things ...
Power and Wealth.
War provides a wonderful opportunity to amass both ...
at very little risk ...
(to the powerful).
The National Socialist Labour Party received only 34% of the vote in the UK elections, in July 2024.
Their approval rating has since plummeted.
They DO NOT HAVE A MANDATE to take Europe to war.
The UK Prime Minister should be objecting, most strenuously, most publicly, and most vociferously, to this most recent act of malicious irresponsibility, by an unelected puppet government, on the other side of the world, in the dying weeks of their unelected reign, that is bringing a clear and present threat to the English Homeland, and that is obviously against the wishes of the American people.
But he will not, because there is nothing Herr Starmer, and his Waffen SS High Command, would like to see more, than a Europe bathed in blood once again.
National Socialists are completely insane.
They have no compassion, or better nature, or conscience, or parental feelings.
They cannot be relied upon to behave with any humanity whatsoever.
Remember the Death Camps.
Remember Dr Joseph Mengele 'operating' on 'patients' without anaesthetic.
Remember the German soldiers, kicking children to death in the streets.
Remember the showers.
Look in vain for human qualities.
Instead look for the following ...
Ridiculous law suits and allegations, soon to be made against Nigel Farage MP.
The murder of Nigel Farage MP.
The murder of Tommy Robinson in jail.
They are not particularly inventive.
They will follow the example of their Greatest American Heroes ...
the Democratic Party.
On each side walk the wicked when vile men are high in place - Psalm 12
God Bless
While I agree, I would like to offer a small correction - the missiles in question are not intercontinental, but rather long range tactical missiles. Extended range ATACMS have a maximum range of something like 300km (possibly a bit more), while intercontinental missiles have ranges in the region of ten times that or more.