So a new week starts and I am back home after my Special Event that took place in London on Friday evening with Laurence Fox and Father Calvin Robinson.
Great evening David and have to admit also that I’m relieved that it all went so well( keeping the venue quiet before is a good idea).I remember booking a Katey Hopkins show in Sevenoaks that had to be cancelled at the 11th hour due to “ demonstrators “
It was an amazing event!
Thanks David. Please let your subscribers know when the video is available.
Great evening David and have to admit also that I’m relieved that it all went so well( keeping the venue quiet before is a good idea).I remember booking a Katey Hopkins show in Sevenoaks that had to be cancelled at the 11th hour due to “ demonstrators “
I'm certainly looking forward to listening to that event soon. I'm a paying subscriber as well 👍
Thanks David. I couldn’t make it because I travel home Friday evenings because I moved out of London three years ago. I am a paying Substacker and am
Looking forward to watching the video.