The only thing that can save them is if they move fast.

They have got to instill a Trump-like mega government like the US has. No room for cry babies.

You've got to put Britain first.

You have to put British citizens first.

And you have to start a Mass deportation. The only thing is is Britain is too broke because of what they've allowed to happen in too weak because of what they have allowed to happen.

They've allowed a cancer to enter that has spread like wildfire.

It's a damn shame.

This cancer very well may kill them if they don't take it serious enough. No room and Great Britain anymore for socialism, the tolerance of communism, I'm feeling guilty for being British.

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Thankyou Ticia

A recent UK poll showed that 76% of the country want a National Inquiry into the Muslim Child Rape Scandal ...

and the offenders deported upon conviction.

With the wicked Labour party on the ropes, NOW is the time to push this matter ...

and never let up.

If our children are to have any hope of living their lives out in peace, we must unseat the wicked National Socialist Labour conserfatif Uni Party ...

and elect Nigel Farage MP as the next PM of Great Britain.

Make Britain Great Again


Tommy Robinson has risked his life to bring us the truth about the Corrupt British Government Muslim Child Rape Scandal ...

while the wicked Labour conserfatif Uni Party, and their corrupt judges, police and BBC, lied to us.

Now that the truth has come out, Tommy Robinson MUST also come out, while still alive.

The Muslim Child Rape Scandal is ongoing.

It is active.

It hasn't stopped.

11 year old girls are still being raped by Muslims in Britain today.

And it is being covered up by the Corrupt British Government, and their obedient scum in the courts, in the police, and in the BBC.

Tommy Robinson has stood up for us.

We need to stand up for him.

If we don't ...

If we tolerate this ...




I cannot see anyone else, behind whom, the whole of the country can unite.

Is Nigel Farage Jesus ?

Is he infallible ?

Is he incapable of error ?


Why do I support him ?

Because I cannot see an alternative.

Nigel Farage MP must be respectfully encouraged to get on board the FREE TOMMY ROBINSON campaign.




Zia Yusuf must secure the vote of the Reasonable Muslim.

Who is the Reasonable Muslim ?

The Reasonable Muslim gives unconditional agreement to the following 5 propositions.

Don't Murder

Don't Rape

Don't Steal

Don't Lie

Love Your Neighbour as Yourself

The Unreasonable Muslim reserves the right to do these things to his enemies, and their children.

To the non-Muslim

To the infiidel

To us, and our children

The Reasonable Muslim says -

I love your country

I came here to enjoy it

I DO NOT WANT it to become like the country I left

The Unreasonable Muslim says -

I hate your country

I came here to destroy it

I WANT TO TURN IT INTO the country I left

So help me God, this man is the enemy of everything that is good.

Zia Yusuf must secure the vote of the Reasonable Muslim


1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.

2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.

3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

Psalm 1

God Bless

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Yes, the signs are there already. As well as the more obvious social aspects of enforced multiculturalism, our political system has been warped and distorted by democrats attempting to court the Muslim vote. Starmer is fearful of "independent" MPs who left the Labour party and are basically single-issue advocates for Palestine. More could follow. There is clearly a parallel process in operation in the criminal justice system. And nobody near power dare say anything which thin-skinned Muslims could possible take offence over. The block vote would be eroded, and - remembering that there are many more aggressively self-promoting Muslims in the UK than servicemen who can actually use personal weapons - there would be violent riots in many cities. Many years of feeding the crocodile leads to very large crocodiles, and a political class that only promotes crocodile-feeders into positions of power.

Interesting picture of Suella, by the way. I know it's only a coincidence, but look at that fore-finger raised to heaven. The more we see that on podia or in front of the cameras, the more worried we ought to be.

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Anyone with any sense and any money will leave this sinking ship WAY before this happens. Already Millionaires are leaving in their droves. Who wants to pay £50K p.a. In tax to have lunch in London mobbed with coons? The tax revenue leaves as the well-healed vote with their wallets and the Tax liabilities (blacks) come for free stuff. ITS THE SLOPE OF HOPE

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Dear Mr Field

I encourage you to stay and fight for this country.

At some point in life ...

you have to choose a hill to die on.

Just a point about words ...

I don't want to be all preachy about censoring our true feelings ...

but I thought I should say something about the use of words like ...

Coon, Nigger and Blacks.

While it is true that many great Black Comedians, use these words frequently ...

they do so in COMEDY ...

and often as a term of endearment ...

such as ...

Shoot, well why didn't you just say that Nigger ?

Samuel L Jackson

In my view, using them in a derogatory manner, is a different matter entirely ...

not least because it leaves us all open to the charge of being bigoted racists ...

which plays into the hands of our enemies ...

and probably tends to distract from sound reasoning.

That is why we write, after all, isn't it ?

As for myself, I would prefer to be mobbed by hard working, honest Black Christians ...

than by White Atheist Porn Stars, offering free sex to first year university students ...

or by Muslim Child Rapists.

Wisdom is justified of all her children.

Luke 7

God Bless

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Given what niggers murder and rape us and what they SAY about whites, I am not going to observe any courtesy or curb my language for them and the very least I can do is use the word that gets them upset. And yes..if it’s that bad, then maybe they should not use it every other word. Fuck them. I am done being civil to niggers. They imagine racism and violently ASSULT us. Fuck them. They are not human. But thanks

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I've been warning people about this for at least the last eight years, and been told to shut up about it. My brother called me an alienating bore, behind my back. Well, it's happening. It will start with the country being divided into Islamic areas, for which welfare payments should be withdrawn, but probably won't. Gavin Boby (you tube) explains it better than me.

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Let’s hope you’re an Ai generated arsehole, rather than a real one, that walks the streets carrying those thoughts.

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We're not governed much differently to an Islamic country as it is.. A few more steps and Labour will have us there..

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Yup. That’s the plan. Mass deportations and closure of all mosques, no further immigration of those of that religion with a total ban on the holy book, is all that can save us. We have been warned before.

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