Well, we have seen the Supreme Court in Brazil ban the X/Twitter platform from that country. The reason for this ban appears to be that Elon Musk will not comply with the censorious demands of the Brazilian extreme left government and its criminal judiciary. Not only is the app banned in Brazil but anyone found to be using a VPN to get around such a ban is liable for a fine amounting to approximately $9000 which is truly enormous.
One other piece of relevant context is to understand that X is the most downloaded app in Brazil and all of a sudden all Brazilians are now cut off from this app. Welcome to the new world order where restrictions on speech are deemed critical.
The question I want to consider is could such an event happen in the United Kingdom? I think the answer is YES I donthink it’s possible under the Starmer regime that access to the X app could be restricted to British users and circumstances could be manipulated to bring this situation about! The common theme between the Brazilian extreme left administration and the British extreme left administration is that in order for them to advance their hateful agenda they must first silence free speech.
It’s the fact than Elon Musk allows a reasonable degree of free speech on his platform which so offends both the Brazilian and I believe the British government. Is it possible that the British Supreme Court could make a determination that a platform such as X is being used to de-stabilise society, potentially inflame riots and facilitate the breakdown of the rule of law that’s pretty much one of the messages that we’ve had from Starmer during the past six weeks after all! That might well trigger a lecture from Starmer and a restriction if not a total ban.
Musk is imperfect but the fact of the matter is he does allow some challenge to the political establishment and in increasing authoritarian times that is a step too far! I stand with Musk.
This is a perfect example of the Orwellian principle 'Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.'
Our elite used to control the present, in that they alone had a mass audience via the BBC and legacy media. So they could construct a monolithic "past", a narrative about what had happened in history, and in recent events. Which in turn, allowed them to "do something about it", completely unopposed.
We are now in uncharted waters, where anyone with access to the internet has a say. There are of course countless counter-narratives out there now, most of them completely barmy; and few guidelines for establishing their relative value. Those who are most persuasive are as influential as those who are assiduous in their research. But the most important point is that our elite have been exposed as incompetent venal frauds. No better than the rest of us, and often (due to the enhanced opportunities) a good deal worse.
This is why Starmer is terrified. There are no good days on which to bury bad news. Somewhere out there, a pissed-off bloke with several files fulll of damning evidence is ready to show the world that the emperor is stark naked. Many pissed-off blokes, in fact. With thousands to give them the thumbs-up.
Expect an attempted ban in the UK, and fight against it as if our liberty depends on it. Because it does.