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This is a perfect example of the Orwellian principle 'Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.'

Our elite used to control the present, in that they alone had a mass audience via the BBC and legacy media. So they could construct a monolithic "past", a narrative about what had happened in history, and in recent events. Which in turn, allowed them to "do something about it", completely unopposed.

We are now in uncharted waters, where anyone with access to the internet has a say. There are of course countless counter-narratives out there now, most of them completely barmy; and few guidelines for establishing their relative value. Those who are most persuasive are as influential as those who are assiduous in their research. But the most important point is that our elite have been exposed as incompetent venal frauds. No better than the rest of us, and often (due to the enhanced opportunities) a good deal worse.

This is why Starmer is terrified. There are no good days on which to bury bad news. Somewhere out there, a pissed-off bloke with several files fulll of damning evidence is ready to show the world that the emperor is stark naked. Many pissed-off blokes, in fact. With thousands to give them the thumbs-up.

Expect an attempted ban in the UK, and fight against it as if our liberty depends on it. Because it does.

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