It all makes so much sense now when originally it made no sense at all. I’m just listening to a Podcast on case file about Coleen Stan . A young lady who over several years was brainwashed and conditioned into submitting to slavery and torture for fear of “ the company” who would administer untold harm on her and her family if she didn’t comply. The”company “ didn’t exist! Ring any bells?

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It was all about getting those gene injections into everyone.

Their plan was for vaccine passports for everything, needing a booster every 6 months.

These would then quickly morph into CBDCs and a social credit system.

This is still their plan, but I dont believe it will work now as too many people are awake!

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There's too much evidence that the covid virus does exist for me to believe it doesn't. Doctors who treated covid patients said the symptoms were different from any other illness they'd seen. A nurse who saw thru the covid lies stated that covid patients had CRP at levels never before seen. (She mentioned this because when you have severe inflammation as indicated by the high CRP values, standard treatment is high dose steroids. They were not giving steroids and she asked why and was told to follow the protocol which told her something was seriously wrong!) It was not the flu, not a cold, not an illness caused by fear. It was a real illness caused by a real virus that was created in a lab. I had covid in Feb 2020 and it was unlike anything I'd ever had. Please don't tell me I was just afraid. Feb 2020 was before the covid hysteria hit in March 2020. When I was sick in Feb 2020, I didn't know what I had until November of that year when my symptoms matched those of my nephew who had tested positive for covid. Saying that there was no virus works against us because it makes people dismiss everything else we say. Here's a link to the nurse who talks about the CRP levels being higher than they'd ever seen. https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/events/the-chd-bus-tour/covid-nurse-speak-out/

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I totally respect your point of view! Whether Covid was a real thing or not we can agree the jabs are extremely dangerous.

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absolutely. covid mainly killed the very old and those who were already ill. covid jabs killed millions, many of whom were young and in good health.

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