Why have none of our Politicians not asked Questions about the use of 2 Drugs that were Banned from use in the NHS in 2014 as they were used to Euthanise elderly patients in Care Homes in what was known as the Liverpool Pathway Scandal.

These 2 Drugs Morphine and Midazolom are now Widely used in the rebranded Palliative Care. And it is well known that Matt Hancock in 2021 ordered a 2 Year supply of the said Drugs with Drivers to give those with Covid a “Good Death”

Midazolom is one of the 3 Drugs used in the Execution of Prisoners on Death Row in the US and other American country’s where it leaves the Prisoner lying Gasping for breaths as they slowly DIE, how many time did we hear that when the MSM were reporting on the number of alleged Covid Deaths in Hospital which was apparently the only Place where you could Catch Covid.

Hancock also Banned the Use of Autopsy’s on Covid Patients even though it was Notifiable Death.

Patients were then to be put in a sealed body bag and a Sealed Coffin with no relations allowed to attend the Graveside.


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It is possible that the point of no return has already been passed, and that there is nothing you can do to stop them killing you and your family slowly.

But ...

If it has not been passed, then there is only one course of action that will give you any hope of living out a normal life.

It has two parts.

Part 1.

The next time power hungry, over reaching, insane, tyrannous, despots reach into your family's life in even the smallest way, every REASONABLE MAN must, like Ghandi, silently refuse.

And then sit down, in absolute, total, unconditional, unco-operative silence.

Make them break down your front door.

Make them carry you away.

Make them drag you across the bitumen.

Make them try to take your photograph.

Make them try take your fingerprints.

(I imagine it is very hard to take the fingerprints of a man sitting on the ground.)

Make them try to fill in a form without information.

Make them deny bail.

Make them feed you.

Make them provide you a cell.

Make them give you coffee and cigarettes.

Make them drag you across the ground, back into the police van, to take you to court.

Make them tear your clothes.

Make them tear your skin.

Make them watch you bleed.

Make them drag you into the court, bleeding, in torn clothes.

Where you will sit on the floor, in total, unco-operative silence.

Make them drag you back across the floor, back into the police van, and back to the cells.

All because they suspect, but cannot prove, that you have failed to take an untested chemical injection.

They do not know, because you have not co-operated, by giving them the information, without which, they cannot justify their arrest and assault occasioning actual bodily harm of an unconvicted man.

They will do it to one.

They will do it to ten.

They will do it to one hundred.

But ...

by the time they get to one thousand REASONABLE MEN ...

half the police force will be off on sick ...

through either, real, or imaginary, back pain ...

from dragging one thousand REASONABLE MEN across the bitumen.

Policemen are humans.

They want to believe they are the good guys.

Their hearts and minds don't respond well to seeing silent, unresisting, lawful, peaceful, kind, obviously REASONABLE family MEN, being dragged across bitumen like so many dead horses, and bleeding all over their uniforms.

Not to mention their vans, the station floor, the cells - all of which must be cleaned due to Health & Safety.

And all of the prisoner's injuries must be logged, receive medical attention, justified to the boss in permanent record, and the paper trail never ends, and the overtime budget for the year, is spent in a month.

It is the police who will say - enough is enough.

" If these clowns want to give needles so bad, let them go and break the doors down."

A policeman's lot is not a happy one.

The British Empire was the greatest the world has ever seen.

It was kicked out of India by a man in a loin cloth.

Force is powerful.

But the willingness to suffer is more so.

Part 2

A party with 34% of the vote is writing legislation to force your family to take chemicals that have already killed 37,000 people worldwide.

It is time to get angry.

It is time to set aside differences like what school you went to, or what foot you kick with.

All REASONABLE MEN must unite behind one political party, to deny the British Ruling Class their favourite tactic - DIVIDE AND RULE.

The only politician talking sense is Nigel Farage.

If he is elected PM there won't be any forced needles.

Please consider

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There are similarly awful provisions in the Covid 2020 legislation that was passed with a level of efficiency that would have made Adolf Hitler envious.

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Forced vax. You read my mind. Its a thin veil for genocide . They will have free rein to inject anything! Ask yourself one question : how much do i trust communist totalitarian government. Am I feeling lucky?

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The MPs who vote for this are evil or completely stupid, or both.

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