Doctors are told they can't question vaccines.. That alone suggests there is something that virology doesn't want revealed.

Surely patients who do get injections and develop side effects that weren't there before, are obvious to their doctors. Meaning doctors have kept quiet about side effects long before the convid era.

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Make people Sick, Simple

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I too, was a normie until I started delving into the McCann case, and have read the Portuguese Police files which are available on line. It didn't take long to open my eyes to the cover up, and I now believe nothing. The covid bollocks has made me the same about doctors and the NHS. I understand that some of the medical exams are multiple choice questions! My children were born in the 90s and if I could go back I would have thought twice about letting them have all those vaccines. My daughter had the cervical cancer one when she was 13, which I regret.

There's a lot of shingles about. I wonder why.

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