Unless I see whoever walking up to a lecturn, or whatever, and being questioned by the poxy media types (propaganda merchants) I shall assume it's fake.

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I saw a news article on Tedros yesterday, that he says M-pox is over.

Then at home, the news shows a photo of an individual covered in pustules.

I don't watch or listen to the news, so just concluded another psyop was at play.

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I think that video you saw was real, but it was back in 2022 when Monkeypox scam 1 was first declared an emergency, then undeclared about 6 months later with this video you saw.

What Teddy declared recently was Monkeypox Scam 2.

Someone just posted the 2022 video incorrectly stating it was him speaking today.

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Conversely the Globalist Pigs can excuse themselves being caught on tape saying/doing things the electorate do not like by blaming it on an AI fraud, I can't believe my eyes and ears when I see Kamala Harris (camals arse) has the possibility of becoming Leader of the "Free World"!

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