The reason the Muslim community has been so successful is because it organises itself politically. Working class communities must do the same, even if it’s just to stop things getting any worse.

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I agree. Farage is not perfect but he’s the only serious contender. Unless he gets his act together and builds an actual party with a shadow cabinet he will remain a political activist and there will be no one to replace him when he’s gone (and he’s not particularly healthy).

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Dear David

Thankyou for your piece.

All Reasonable Men must vote for the same political party, if we are to have any chance of getting out of this mess lawfully, and peacefully, via the ballot box.

Nigel Farage is the only politician talking sense.

Charlatan conserfatifs can copy him all they like, but I don't think an angry electorate will buy it.

They brought us here.

They are not the ones to bring us out.

Nigel Farage is the least racist, least divisive, most peaceful, most reasonable MP in the whole of these islands.

And the only man we can all rally behind at this time.


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As a former life long Tory voter until 2020, I dont recognise a single shred of conservatism in the Tory party.

They are basically like Labour under Blair, and now we have an actual fascist hard left government under Starmer.

What this country desperately needs but will never be allowed to have, is the Heritage Party in charge!

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I’m 44 and I barely recognise the country I grew up in. I’m not that worried about Labour because Starmer basically speaks the way the CONservative party acts. What we’re seeing now — in our third decade of Blairism — is the compounded effects of unsustainable deficit spending and immigration that has to be contained with totalitarian levels of political correctness.

I predict over the next 5 years we’ll see the internet — or at least the major social media platforms — policed by Ofcom and effectively the outlawing of anything that equates to complaining about immigration.

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