Did you see the shocking but not that entirely unsurprising news that Israel will close its embassy in Dublin over "the extreme anti-Israel policies of the Irish government"?
Precisely. They identify with them - believe they were both victims of colonial oppression. In Belfast driving through a Catholic area, you’ll likely see Palestinian flags and in a Protestant area, the Star of David. Comical if it wasn’t so depressing.
I was being a bit tongue in cheek. BTW I don't think zionists are Jews. They are Luciferians and they have been bubbling the Zionism pot for a long time. Certainly as far back as the days of Albert Pike and the Schofield Bible. There's an awful lot of people under this mind control and ultimately the entities who created Israel are about to destroy it.
I can't even start to understand how Ireland will cope.
The fact is Israel is now, correctly, seen as a pariah state. They have been carrying out a genocide in Gaza, for which Netanyahu faces war crime charges. They have bombed Syria for a decade, attacked Lebanon, treated injured Al Qaeda soldiers in their hospitals, and interfered in the politics of the USA and other countries. No one can deny any of the above, they are facts as stated by the Israelis themselves.
Israel was created by an illegal act; the invasion and theft of territory by a group who had no claim on that territory. Unsurprisingly those who were living there and their ancestors want that territory back. The fact our govts in the West have backed the Israelis is to their eternal shame.
But Israel hasn’t committed Genocide. The only genocide was committed by Hamas in Israel on 7th Oct. Many of the casualites in Gaza are down to Hamas; it’s in their financial and propaganda interests to see as many of their own people killed, especially the children. You need to read and listen to what Hamas actually say, not fall into the trap of listening to their propaganda. Do you not realise what Hamas are capable of?
Don't take my word for it, take that of the UN, Amnesty International, Elizabeth Warren and the stunning lack of support from France, Spain, Norway, Canada, Belgium plus Ireland.
Care to answer that? I notice you ignored the fact that Israel was created by an illegal act with tens of thousands killed and 700,000 people thrown of their own land by people who had no right in law to do so.
Maybe you'll listen to a specialist in International law : "In June 2024, (William) Schabas said that of all recent genocide cases at the International Court of Justice, the case brought by South Africa was the strongest, citing the destruction of Gazan infrastructure and statements made by politicians in Israel that Gazans are inhuman or "human animals" and that Israel would deny them electricity, water, and medical care"
Personally I’m very sceptical about Jewish intent, as they own every Pharmaceutical Company in the world, where the main aim is the total wipe out of the White Western Race through the Use of their Safe and Effective Vaccines 🤔
I wouldn't take their word on anything. They use Hamas Propaganda deliberately. Don't you know what is going on? I smelt a big rat in the very beginning. Look at the Hamas Charter. Do you actually know what Hamas want and what they are prepared to do to achieve their aims? I asked myself in the very beginning, "What do Hamas actually want?" "Why are they prepared to sacrifice Gaza and their own people?"
Irish Republicans love the Palestinians because they both play the poor supressed victim card all the time.
Both have a massive chip on each shoulder.
Precisely. They identify with them - believe they were both victims of colonial oppression. In Belfast driving through a Catholic area, you’ll likely see Palestinian flags and in a Protestant area, the Star of David. Comical if it wasn’t so depressing.
The question is ‘what entirely natural HAARP induced catastrophe will they now bestow on Ireland’ as punishment ?
I don't think the Irish have any steel skyscrapers.
That’s what they thought in Valencia.
Even Mike Lynch thought ‘they’ll never get me on my boat’.
I was being a bit tongue in cheek. BTW I don't think zionists are Jews. They are Luciferians and they have been bubbling the Zionism pot for a long time. Certainly as far back as the days of Albert Pike and the Schofield Bible. There's an awful lot of people under this mind control and ultimately the entities who created Israel are about to destroy it.
Agreed ! ‘Jews’ is just a coat they wear.
I can't even start to understand how Ireland will cope.
The fact is Israel is now, correctly, seen as a pariah state. They have been carrying out a genocide in Gaza, for which Netanyahu faces war crime charges. They have bombed Syria for a decade, attacked Lebanon, treated injured Al Qaeda soldiers in their hospitals, and interfered in the politics of the USA and other countries. No one can deny any of the above, they are facts as stated by the Israelis themselves.
Israel was created by an illegal act; the invasion and theft of territory by a group who had no claim on that territory. Unsurprisingly those who were living there and their ancestors want that territory back. The fact our govts in the West have backed the Israelis is to their eternal shame.
But Israel hasn’t committed Genocide. The only genocide was committed by Hamas in Israel on 7th Oct. Many of the casualites in Gaza are down to Hamas; it’s in their financial and propaganda interests to see as many of their own people killed, especially the children. You need to read and listen to what Hamas actually say, not fall into the trap of listening to their propaganda. Do you not realise what Hamas are capable of?
Don't take my word for it, take that of the UN, Amnesty International, Elizabeth Warren and the stunning lack of support from France, Spain, Norway, Canada, Belgium plus Ireland.
Care to answer that? I notice you ignored the fact that Israel was created by an illegal act with tens of thousands killed and 700,000 people thrown of their own land by people who had no right in law to do so.
Maybe you'll listen to a specialist in International law : "In June 2024, (William) Schabas said that of all recent genocide cases at the International Court of Justice, the case brought by South Africa was the strongest, citing the destruction of Gazan infrastructure and statements made by politicians in Israel that Gazans are inhuman or "human animals" and that Israel would deny them electricity, water, and medical care"
But don't listen to Hamas propaganda eh?
Personally I’m very sceptical about Jewish intent, as they own every Pharmaceutical Company in the world, where the main aim is the total wipe out of the White Western Race through the Use of their Safe and Effective Vaccines 🤔
There is no such thing as 'Jewish intent' any more than there is such a thing as 'Irish intent or 'Catholic intent'.
I don't understand. What's not to hate about Israel? I don't even connect Judaism with Israel. Zionists are the Jews who are not. AKA Satanists.
Big deal!
The Irish STILL suck Jew Schlong!
I wouldn't take their word on anything. They use Hamas Propaganda deliberately. Don't you know what is going on? I smelt a big rat in the very beginning. Look at the Hamas Charter. Do you actually know what Hamas want and what they are prepared to do to achieve their aims? I asked myself in the very beginning, "What do Hamas actually want?" "Why are they prepared to sacrifice Gaza and their own people?"