Yes she makes it all about her. Poor Jess. She didnt care about Rosie Duffield and she hasn't met a single victim- some care! Stop feeling sorry for yourself woman and launch a national enquiry.

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Yes, she's a bullshitter who is faking victimhood and implying that she has far-right thugs camped outside her door. But the media is only able to take her side because she is punching up. If she cries in public - and she was on the verge of it when the Islamist single-issue party shouted at her during her election-night victory speech - then it will be time to pick another target. Musk needs to look strong, not crass, and many of us know how quickly some "powerful women" dissolve into hysteria.

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You can not tell a marxist how to have morals it is unlucky that this person will never see right from wrong.

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It is in fact a well know tactic called DARVO: Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender. Common behaviour on domestic abuse.

Denying the facts, then attacking the ones reporting it, and then posturing as a victim.

Remember. We see DARVO very often in politicians.

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Looks like a classic psychopathic reaction: making it about herself. Biden has just done the same announcing the birth of a granddaughter in the press conference about the California fires.

After the Maui fires he talked about the time when his toaster catched fire decades ago.

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Pray for Jess. It's literally "The handmaid's tale"

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The only people Jess Phillips is Safe Guarding are those who RAPED the White Girls and Voted Labour in their Tens of Thousands.

She is a very Sick Woman 😡

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The fact that the media are covering her helps explain how and why there was, and still is, a cover up.

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