What no one is mentioning is the fact that as they are undocumented illegals ( not documented asylum seekers) they are not eligible for weekly allowances or accommodation . Therefore they are almost certainly either working in the black economy or simply leading a life of crime! Therefore no income tax or NI is being collected as they only use cash or someone else’s bank account. However no questions are asked to access health care etc.

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Not on electoral register or have voter I'D either. Khan will soon get round that I expect.

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I’m sure you can get a bank account without being a citizen. As an employe, I’ve organised bank accounts for young or EU members of staff coming in. My bank definitely allowed them to jump the queue because I took them into a branch. Online banking or payment systems also allow people to move money about or get paid, especially if you sell your labour through an app like Uber. It makes me wonder if these tech platforms that sell Labour / services and take a cut, know what’s going on in this regard. It’s the perfect corporate globalist cover.

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I used to live in London, but left when my eldest child reached school age in the 1990s. I normally visit a couple of times a year, to see the same eldest child who has returned there to live and work, or to visit old friends.

About a decade or so back, I made one such trip and was met by a Londoner friend at a rail terminal, and we walked out onto the street chatting. One of the first things I saw was a group of black men who had built what appeared to be some facsimile of an African slum village in the portico of a magnificent Georgian church near the station. They were sat on strips of cardboard, surrounded by grubby belongings in flimsy plastic bags, around a large blackened steel pan over a fire. They were cooking what looked like chickpeas and a few scraps of meat. They were dressed in rags, had that matted Rudakubana style hair, and were bleary-eyed and lethargic-looking.

I asked my friend if this was some sort of project by the church to illustrate world hunger; role play to show the commuters the reality of Third World poverty.

There was a long silence, and I realised he was staring at me with a puzzled expression....

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My last job in property was in Clerkenwell/Old street London, in the 1990’s. Just as it was beginning to attract hipsters and creative types who had cash, and who were mainly migrating away from the london areas that the BBC were closing sites. In brick lane and all the surrounding areas, there were many many sweat shops. The council knew. Everyone in the property business knew. The neighbours to these businesses knew. The council turned a blind eye because they wanted the business rates these buildings produced amongst other things. Some of these garment factories are still in operation today. Other than the principals, people working there do not speak English. All the street signs have several languages on display. The integration is going the wrong way.

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I feel so sorry for the English who went all over the world and enslaved and plundered and killed everybody so they wouldn’t have to pay silver for tea

I shed white tears for all the white man’s

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You sound like a racist. Do better

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I know you people believe in magical fairytales and genocidal gods. Maybe God is punishing you for all the slavery and plunder. You fucked their world up for about 1000 years. Cope. You’re gonna need it for the next thousand.

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Oh, sounds like you’re self projecting. Do better.

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A SubStack writer posed the reasonable question:

“So why is it, that the Brits won’t stop this same ideology from overtaking London?” Sadly, the question is 18 years too late. In 2006, Melanie Phillips published her best-seller “Londonistan” - “How Britain is Creating a Terror State Within”.

Successive governments were in denial, and it’s already too late. Many immigrants want to live peacefully, but one thing Muslims have in common is the Qur’an, which advocates subjection/ death to the unbeliever. How many Brits have ever bothered to read the Qur’an? Not those we elected to govern us it seems. They are powerless to understand the scale of the problem, or reverse a process that has changed the character of Britain forever.

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What station?? I’m going to guess Waterloo or Charing Cross? The Kings Cross area is too gentrified now.

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Yes, Waterloo. By the big roundabout with the underpass.

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