They always use terms like, "Come forward", having the individuals feel it is like a duty, that they are doing a great service to themselves or others.

Witchy words.

The nasal sprays have left P1s with cold symptoms in the days and weeks after. I have an insider in a local primary. Quite a number of parents are now aware and keep their children off school on the nurse days.

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Perhaps it would be a good idea to ask your doctor his view on abortion.

I think this would elicit one of two responses.

Response 1

" I took an oath to do no harm, so what do you think ? "

Response 2


This is a wonderful English word which means (not so much to lie as) to avoid giving one's true opinion.

eg. " That's an interesting question Beryl. You are a very clever lady, who is full of interesting questions. How did you come to be this way ? Are your parents academic ? "

If you receive Response 2 your doctor is a dishonest man.

If they backed up a truck of money to his house, for squirting an untested chemical up your baby's nose, what do you think a dishonest man would do ?

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