Especially as there was an announcement on TV yesterday saying they were expecting a 20+% rise in Cancer Cases over the next 5 years 🤔

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You read my mind. Its the medical pharmaceutical industry chemo porn being presented here. And so whats up with the increases in cancer? Nobody is talking about that. But I suspected that Kates driving something and it aint a Land Rover.

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I know I shouldn’t laugh. But I can’t help it. They think ppl are stupid serving up such utter bs and then playing the sympathy card to promote chemo. Refer to Davids recent Substack on Elle MacPherson if you haven’t seen it for some perspective on this conversation. And I wonder how much $$ Kate made to go along with it. The whole story does not pass the smell test.

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I used to work in insurance fraud, motor and home, and one of the red flags was "bolstering". I saw it when Harry was talking about Meghan being in labour with Archie. Possibly some of that going on with this video.

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For sure. You are correct.

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