7 hrs agoLiked by David Vance

Another way to look at it is that these peacocks always need to dramatically reinvent themselves at 50. Clooney suddenly settles down and marries and makes himself a power couple. Madonna gets a face job and goes off the rails. Brand finds God. ‘‘Twas ever thus!

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7 hrs agoLiked by David Vance

I think he’s genuinely into it all. Converts are often the most zealous and pious. In many ways like Saint Paul. But it’s definitely a useful way for him to indulge his own narcissism. He must know and has admitted as such to a life of debauchery which often went too far and he undoubtedly took massive advantage of starry eyed girls. He was a self confessed sex addict. I’ve never heard him admit to being ashamed of any of it. He just continually admits it was a wrong life. It’s weird because his whole Jesus like appearance and endless need to be on screen is making me wonder about St Paul’s conversion and has had a dampening effect on my own faith. I simply don’t like St Paul and have started viewing him as I view Brand! My mum used to say it was what made her doubtful and stay doubtful…how often men would “find God” when in difficult situations. I happen to KNOW he was a completely awful person and got away with all sorts so it’s frustrating to see him rack up millions of new fans. Where is the humble pie? The humility and penance? He’s a public man and needs to be public with his humility first perhaps?Shia LaBoeuf has been far more impressive in this respect.

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No time for him to, cannot stand the man end of.

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I think John that two minutes in Me Brand's company would drive anyone to distraction. His excessive verbiage is very wearing.

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All we can do is to judge him on what he does from now on. His past is certainly debauched, if not utterly depraved. He needs to have genuinely repented, which as you rightly point out seems to be missing. There is no salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ, without repentance.. If he is genuine then we should be joyful. But the following verse is apt.

"Therefore by their fruits will you know them". [Matthew 7:20].

Paul's conversion was obviously after a meeting with Jesus, and the command to spread the gospel to the Gentiles. He did that with vigour often under tremendous hardship and suffering. I regard him as hugely important in the formation of the early church.

Most of us don't have a 'road to Damascus'. My own coming to faith was delayed for years because I thought there would be such a moment

It obviously never came. It was only by reading the Bible studiously that I fully embraced the lord Jesus Christ.

I pray that Russell Brand does so as well. He will then find a peace that far outweighs the highs of what former stimulants he craved.

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