Dear David

Legacy media has lied itself out of business.

They withhold the truth.

They spin the truth.

And sometimes, they straight out lie to our faces.

They are our enemy.

We must stop paying them to abuse us.

We must stop buying newspapers.

We must encourage everyone else to stop buying newspapers.

When you see no-one on the tube with a newspaper, then we will be getting somewhere.

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The intelligentsia here turned against christianity long ago I'm afraid. I'm surprised its taken so long for it to become blatant . We at least need to be aware of where we stand.

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It's telling how such atrocities are just left dangling, detached from narratives which explain them in terms of motives and wider patterns in society. At best, explanations are along the lines of "He migrated here, became mentally ill, and did some bad stuff."

But objections to such atrocities bring out the latent social scientist in politicians and journalists. These people are influenced by the evil ideologies of racism and fascism, which in turn are caused by economic conditions caused by Tories...

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