And nappies aren't cheap.

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A lot of those children are likely vaccine injured. Would need data to support but you could use autism as a marker.

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To a certain degree it depends on the age of the child starting school. If they are including two year old preschoolers this becomes less alarming than if they are including 5 year old kindergartners. Neither of my girls were fully there by the time they turned two though both had already started with it and were done with diapers not long after their 2nd birthdays.

I do know of one child who was still not potty trained by four and whose teacher complained to the father about this. In this case ( a white child, if you were wondering) his mother had been sick with brain cancer and ultimately died before the boy was three years old. His father set out on a mad scramble to care for the boy and eventually settled on a stepmother type while he worked, but I suppose nobody had had the space or time to bother with this. The poor boy was shuffled around to various extended relatives during these years and they did not seem to stay in one place for very long. In his case I considered his lack of potty training understandable.

Regarding the rising numbers of it I wonder how much illness or incpacity of one or both parents plays a role in it...

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