As well as Satanism, do we have any Aztecs among us, whose beliefs included human sacrifice?

I also note that the politician's mantra of "hard working" has now leapt the gap into judicial pronouncements. As well as being evidence of the decline of the "separation of powers", it suggests that if you run a back-street kebab shop or minicab firm, you can openly hate women, Jews, gays, and traditional British values.

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Dear David

Did you receive my reply to your reply to my comment of August 31 below ?

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Islamic State has claimed responsbility for the knife murder of 3 in Solingen, Germany, advising that these murders were, " ... in revenge for ... Muslims everywhere."

Please note the name of the group ... Islamic State.

Please note on whose behalf the murders were committed ... Muslims.

These murders were committed by Muslims for Muslims.

Were these murders RELIGIOUSLY motivated ?

Well ... duh.

While it is an obvious fact that there are many different sects within Islam, and that some of these different versions of Islam are followed peacefully, only a fool would claim that none of these sects are violent, and that none of them call for murder.

Belfast judge Steven Keown has ruled that - " There is no place in our society for people ... who think ... some religions are evil."

There are at least 4 problems with this ruling.

I submit that these problems make the jailing (denying of bail) to Mr Dee Stitt unlawful, and entitle him to compensation from the court.

1. It is contrary to UK Security Policy

Special Branch and MI5 recruit Muslims to join particular Islamic sects of concern, and report back to their handlers, what is being taught, and what activities are being directed, in that sect.

General Communications Head Quarters (Cheltenham) monitors the communications of these Islamic sects.

Why ?

On 7 July 2005 four Muslims murdered 56 and injured more than 700 in London.

Special Branch, MI5 and GCHQ failed to detect the conspiracy, and stop it.

Now, they are trying to ensure, this will never happen again.

Does Belfast judge Steven Keown intend to jail the whole of Special Branch, MI5 and GCHQ, now that he has ruled, that there is no place in his society, for such people ?

Or will he just deport them ?

2. It is Ultra Vires

Belfast judge Steven Keown was appointed by the people to judge matters earthly, and temporal.

He was not appointed to judge matters Heavenly, eternal, spiritual, theological or doctrinal.

His ruling, therefore, is ultra vires, that is, it exceeds the lawful authority appointed to him by the people, and in so doing, it violates the authority of other men, and the liberty of other men.

One wonders if Steven Keown has informed Charles III (Head of the Church, Defender of the Faith), the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Pope, that their services are no longer required, because Steven will be looking after their portfolio's going forward.

3. He is not qualified to make it

Belfast judge Steven Keown, in jailing Mr Dee Stitt for a Facebook post, has ruled that no religions are evil.

If no religions are evil, then it follows that all religions are good.

But is Belfast judge Steven Keown qualified to rule on the goodness or otherwise of all the world's religions ?

Just how much knowledge does he have - of all the world's religions ?

Even if Steven Keown had been appointed to judge matters theological, which he was not, Steven would still need to be an unusually learned man to be qualified to give such a remarkable and singular ruling on the subject.

Steven would need to know Hebrew and Greek (the Bible), Arabic (the Quran), Sanskrit (the Bhagavad Gita) ... in fact, he would need to know every language in the world, in order to rule on the goodness of every religion in the world.

Are we really expected to believe that, between the date of Mr Stitt's arrest, and his appearing before Beflast judge Steven Keown, young Steven found the time to learn every language in the world, and read every religious text in the world, thus enabling this linguistic wunder kind, to arrive at his conclusion that, every religion in the world is good, and none of them is evil ?

4. It is ridiculous

Assuming he did do the required reading, what did Steven make of the Church's highly respected theologians (whose combined works would probably fill a small Sainsbury's) such as Thomas Aquinas, Augustine of Hippo, the Venerable Bede, John Knox and St Patrick.

Well, quite simply, Steven has decided they are all wrong.

And there is no place in his society for them.

And what did Steven make of the period of the Early Church, during which, Christians were slaughtered, in spectacles of public entertainment, for their refusal to join the State's made-up religion, and worship their made-up gods ?

Including, the public torturing to death of 86 year old Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna.

Was that a good thing, or a bad thing ?

According to Steven, it was a good thing.

Because it is OK to murder Christians, if you are doing it for RELIGIOUS reasons.

Because all religions are good.

And there is no place in Steven's society for people who think some religions are evil.

This is clearly ridiculous.

By this ruling, Belfast judge Steven Keown has demonstrated that he is not a fit and proper person to practise law, and he is especially unfit to hold his current position as a judge.

He must be removed, and struck off.

Belfast judge Steven Keown is clearly stupid.

There is no place in our society for a lawyer this stupid.

I would humbly suggest to the family and friends of Mr Dee Stitt, that now is your time to stand up.

It is now or never.

Stand up now, or spend the rest of your life regretting that you didn't.

I would encourage you to write a petition, something along the lines as follows -


In August 2024 Belfast judge, Steven Keown, in jailing Mr Dee Stitt, of (village), husband of (wife's name), father of (children's names), for a Facebook post, ruled that - " There is no place in our society for people ... who think ... some religions are evil."

Nevertheless, we hold that some religions are evil, because they teach violence, and direct their adherents to commit murder, such as the August 2024 Islamic State murders of the young folk in Solingen, Germany, " ... in revenge for ... Muslims everywhere."

Not to mention the slaughter of Christians in the Early Church, for their refusal to join the State's made-up religion, and worship their made-up gods.

We maintain that Belfast judge Steven Keown's ruling is foolish in the extreme, and demonstrates that he is not a fit and proper person to hold his current position of responsibility.

In signing this petition, we fully accept, that we also may be jailed by this Belfast judge Steven Keown, but we count it better to die on our feet, than live on our knees.

We refuse to deny what is obviously true, and we refuse to give our mindless obedience to this Steven Keown, whose lavish lifestyle we pay for.

We call on our elected representatives to remove this foolish Belfast judge Steven Keown.


Start with all your family's signatures, then your neighbour's, and continue throughout the whole country, finding supporters to take the petition far and wide ... church, pub, hairdressers, work, shopping centre ... etc.

Catholic and Protestant, North and South, can all agree on this.

No judge has the right to tell us what we may, or may not, think in matters of Religion.

We do not bow the knee to the police, or the courts, or our elected political representatives, in matters of Religion.

When a power hungry state, exceeds its lawful authority, by trying to make us bow to their prounouncements on Religion, we must say to them, as Elon Musk said to the EU - TAKE A BIG STEP BACK.

If we bow now, it will not be the end of it.

It will only be the beginning.

And it will only get worse.

As a wise man once said - If you tolerate this, then your children will be next.

When you have 1,000 signatures, publish the petition online.

Approach all the newspapers with your petition.

If the newspapers will not assist you, then you know who your friends are ... Boycott them to the death. Never buy that newspaper ever again. And tell everyone you meet, why you will never buy that newspaper ever again.

If a man's own family won't stand up for him ... then no-one else will.

But if you will, then I believe you will find massive support.

There comes a time when everyone says - enough is enough. This is a hill to die on.

ps. put not your trust in lawyers

Steven Keown is a lawyer.

And all lawyers are friends.

put not your trust in lawyers

God Bless

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Excellent analysis

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Thankyou David.

Do you know of any way to forward it to Mr Dee Stitt's family, or to anyone, who might know someone, who knows someone, who might know them ?

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It is another branch of their evil depopulation of the planet project, with destruction of

'The West' being their first major objective. The proliferation of MRNA bio-weapons and the subsequent rise in cancers, miscarriages and the depletion of male fertility is their main strategy but that is accompanied by the mass promotion of abortion and vasectomys plus evil propaganda aimed at twisting the minds of teenagers so they are so confused they may destroy their ability to reproduce. Their ultimate aim is a hugely reduced world population who the elites will enslave and treat like cattle.

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