God help us all.

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The illegal immigration’s is Sponsored by European Country’s and the UK under the Barcelona Agreements 1&2, 1 was signed by John Major in 1995 and 2 by Gordon Brown in 2002, the 2nd one is were it states that immigrants coming from North Africa and the Middle East will have full access to all European country’s as it was then, and the UK is still tied to it through our connection to the ECHR.

Remember in between Tony B.Liar and George Bush using a Dodgy Dossier Destroyed whatever Peace there was in the Middle East by invading Iraq.

And the alleged Arab Spring was put into full flow by David Cameron to dislodge Gaddafi because he was about to put an end to the Petrodollar by starting an All African Currency Based on Gold.

So with what’s in front of us using Governments own information you can get a clearer picture of why the Mass Immigration policy was brought in and that was for the Destruction of the White Race, as the Country’s under attack by this Policy are all of Europe including Russia by the Proxy in Ukraine where all the money that goes there is returned to the Globalist US Military Complex in the Biggest Money Laundering Scheme outside of Child Trafficking.

The other Country’s under attack by the Immigration policy are the US, Uk and Ireland, Canada, Australia and New Zealand not forgetting these were also the Country’s which had the Highest Rates of the Covid Vaccine.

It really is a Very Dangerous Situation that World is in today.

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