Dear David

I am very sorry to hear of Peter Lynch's death in custody.

I have not seen or heard anything that suggests that he did anything wrong.

His apparently unlawful incarceration, came at a time, when the Starmer regime was releasing actual convicted criminals early.

Peter Lynch's blood, therefore, would appear to be on the hands of the Starmer regime.

So corrupt are all UK institutions, doctors and coroners included, that we can have no confidence whatsoever in the finding of the inquiry into his death in custody.

Which will, doubtless, exonerate the authorities.

We can have no more confidence, in a finding regarding this innocent man's death in English custody, than we would, concerning a Russian's death, in the Lubyanka KGB Prison, in Moscow.

Julian Assange was held unlawfully, for 5 years in English custody.

His ghastly appearance, upon his release, when compared to his earlier pictures, full of youth and healthy vigour, make it clear, that the conditions he was subjected to in English custody, were nothing short of torture.

Our Overlords are not worthy of the name English.

They are not English.

They are not British.

They are the equivalent of an Army of Occupation, who can be counted on, to show increasing willingness, to use all the gruesome tools at their disposal, in terms of the police, the military, and the secret police, to secure their grip on power.

All Englishmen must vote for the same political party, if we are to have any hope of surviving this dark, despotic time in our island's history.

It is Labour, and the conserfatifs, who have brought us here.

We cannot afford to be divided at this time.

God Bless

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Thank you for being a voice for Peter Lynch

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The prison has failed in their duty of care to look after this man. Remember Kevin Crehan?

I'm not convinced it was suicide, and I hope his family demand an investigation.

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