Well David. The picture on your story here tells it all. I screen- grabbed it to have a closer look. The man with the knife stabbed the guy in the stripe shirt. Multiple stabs and slashes. The weapon has blood on the blade. My guess on the surface of it after looking at the scene is that a score was being settled. Gang related. However! The Labour Governments silence and inaction is worse than the violence that happened there. Why? Because the Labour PM and is the Kingpin Boss of public terrorism. And the preference for throwing the book at political prisoners over violent butchers - is glaring obvious. Theres lots of blame to go around. But the guys with the knives will continue to be on your UK streets doing their job.

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Any white person pictured brandishing a

bloody knife at any of the recent disturbances that followed the Southport Savagery would have had their face on the front of every newspaper and been the first item on all TV news programs, they would also with out doubt once caught have been up in court within 24 hours and scentenced to at least 10 years, prison is now for political dissidents.

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