Dear David

Until I saw Dr Peterson's interview with Tommy Robinson, I did not realize how bad things were.

It does not surprise me that the British Ruling Class wants to silence him.

Everyone should see this interview. This is the url


Children are being raped.

Witnesses are being silenced.

Taxpayer funds are being illegally paid by Government to witnesses as Hush Money to pervert the course of justice.

Consistent corroborated eye witness testimony from multiple witnesses courageous enough to stand up in court and be identified in front of the accused (and his countrymen) is dismissed out of hand.

Court appointed gag orders make it a jailable offence to talk about the actions of the court, in the UK.

Englishmen must await foreign news to discover what their own Government is doing in England.

Those who speak up are being jailed, their families are being threatened, and their property is being stolen in ' legal penalties '.

Conspiracy - definition : an agreement between two or more to commit an illegal act.

Conspiracy Theory - definition : a term used to divert attention from a conspiracy.

Our enemy controls the Legacy Media, the Police and the Courts, all of whom have shown they will do and say, absolutely anything at all - whatever they are told. Without question. Sieg Heil.

We cannot rely upon anyone in these once respected professions to show even the faintest shred of humanity, decency, or even dignity.

They have thoroughly degraded and de-humanized themselves, by choice. No-one put a gun to their head. They are thoroughly worthy of contempt.

There is only one way we get out of this lawfully and peacefully.

El Salvador had the highest murder rate in the world, owing to the presence of very effectively organized drug gangs.

El Salvadorians united and voted 85% for Nayib Bukele, who took that mandate and jailed 70,000 drug gang members, in a matter of days.

By so doing he transformed El Salvador into one of the safest places on earth.

Does our country not resemble a corrupt Latin American dictatorship ?

Then let us take a lesson from the Christians who turned one around.

Our only hope is unity.

Our enemy's key policy is division.

Labour and conserfatifs have lied to us, and betrayed us for decades.

We have nothing to hope for from them.

It is like this ...

Either ... we all vote for Nigel Farage and give him the mandate like Nayib Bukele, or ...

... we lose everything.

It is that simple.

Unite or say goodbye.

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I think he is incredibly brave to stand up to the tyrannical UK establishment, his liberty is constantly under threat and I would not criticise him one bit if he decided to walk away and spend his time with his family rather than being in constant danger of physical harm and the stress must be unbearable, I also fear for his safety once he is inevitably put behind bars as a certain demographic who control so many of our prisons will be out to "get" him.

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Well said! 🫒

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He says the same things as Douglas Murray, but in an aggressive way, and I think he'd do well to manage his temper and repetitions. I like him and it pains me to see what the cabal does to him.

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