It's seems clear to me they are normalizing paedophilia. Some are already referring to it as Minor Attracted Persons (MAPS), and eventually it will be not deemed to be a criminal offence, so won't be going to court at all. It's sickening.

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It will eventually be decriminalised as it’s not necessarily their fault, just like being gay!

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Yep. There's already been mutterings along those lines. Soon the perpetrators will be referred to as the victims, you watch.

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Spot on, Cheryl. As you say have already started to change the language used to describe this depravity. In a world where sexual morals are pushed to the very limits and beyond, of decency, is anyone surprised?

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It seems to lead many of us to the conclusion, that the judiciary are fellow captured entities of the many being slowly exposed to us from the political and entertainment sectors. Drip, by sickening drip..

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One can only conclude that the judges themselves are part of the paedophile ring - there is no other possible explanation.

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Just a thought ...

Some may not know that - obscuring one's face during the hours of darkness - was, and may still be, a criminal offence, depending on the circumstances, eg. while creeping around the back yard of a closed business premises.

English police arrested a man for declining to walk past facial recognition cameras, which they were trialling on a suburban street. Police said they thought the man's behaviour was 'suspicious'.

Well, check out the clown in the photo above, looking, for all intents and purposes, like a bank robber in Phase 2.

Since when, is that, acceptable behaviour, in England ?

Since when, did pedestrians minding their own business, have to justify not wanting to be photographed, ...

while a man, who just got let off, for doing what a hundred others have been jailed for, is permitted to don a disguise INSIDE AN ENGLISH COURT HOUSE ???

And why was he permitted to do this ?

I think the answer is clear.


Yours doesn't ...

and your children's safety doesn't ...

but his does.

It is only fair, that he should be able, to apply for a job at a kindergarten, or an old age home, without fear of discrimination.

This is clearly against the will, and the best interests, of the law abiding majority.

This regime does not represent the people. It is not legitimate.

The sooner we destroy Herr Starmer, and his Waffen SS High Command, through the ballot box ...

the safer our kids will be.

God Bless

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