Be interesting to see how the religion of peace react to these threats. I expect they're having a right old laugh. I think we have them to thank for the vaccine passports being scrapped.

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And our government hasn’t said a word about a foreign entity threatening American citizens for exercising their constitutional right of free speech…fairy boy needs to go f himself..

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He sounds like a silly old man Nothing but a political puppet. So it costs thousands to extradite a person and yrs Good luck with that one. Also This should include all the politicians and media like the Bb itve etc after all they push their deceit and misinfo Don't they!

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The Uniparty in a good Description for todays 2 main party’s.

The Barcelona Agreement Signed by John Major in 1995 and Gordon Brown in 2002 (not Sure if right year) on behalf of the UK Government is being fully implemented.

And our present Government and previous one cannot deny the consequences of it

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In a nutshell!

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