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Thankyou David.

Nigel Farage is the only politician talking sense.

The great thing about campaigning against Labour, is that they are a party full of hate for the 34% who voted them in.

Every week they show how much they hate their voters.

It is not necessary to employ a Spin Department to craft clever ways of using cunning words to portray their deeds in a bad light.

They do all that to themselves.

It is like fighting a masochist.

Just knock on the door, and when a voter appears, show them a small flip chart of ...

3 children murdered by 2nd generation migrant

boats on the beaches

actual law breaking criminals released because there is no room at the inn,

but 53 year old woman jailed for face book post, because there is always enough room for them

and 400 more Scots with nothing to do but eat deep fried mars bar.

All that is necessary to stop this disaster, is for Reasonable Men to say - enough is enough, we need to stop arguing about what school you went to, or what foot we kick with, and all vote for one man.

And get out to the doors and convince our neighbours of the same.

Digital Propaganda is incredibly powerful.

But not nearly as powerful as a real human being, with Actual Intelligence, at the front door, looking you in the eye, and speaking with respect, integrity and conviction.

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