I agree. For the time being Substack is the place to be. However if the "plebs" turn up here the owners will come under pressure to adjust the algorithm to push the narratives the govt want.

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I completely agree with what you say in this post. I find X to be a deeply censoring app. For whatever reason and I don’t care what it is. I always vote with my feet. One bad haircut and I will show myself out. I really like and am comfortable with Substack. Plus I feel safer here that there - and are no ppl lurking to judge me for my conservative views or occasionally perhaps unthinkingly - saying thewrong thing.

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I've been temporarily suspended on twitter for 6 or 7 years now. I pushed the Brexit memes and outed clear EU plants in the media with documentary evidence from the individual in question. After that I was shadow banned and then suspended with no reason given.

Now they refuse to delete my account which is against the law under the "Right to be forgetten" law. So don't ever let anyone tell you Musk is for free speech, he isn't.

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