Of course so many reasons we get ill Dee, and refined sugar is a key one. Dawn Lester and David Parker, I believe rightly, assign the reasons for most illnesses down to 4 key factors: (1) toxins (in air, food, water or applied to the skin); (2) Insufficient nutrition; (3) prolonged stress; (4) EMF radiation.
Of course so many reasons we get ill Dee, and refined sugar is a key one. Dawn Lester and David Parker, I believe rightly, assign the reasons for most illnesses down to 4 key factors: (1) toxins (in air, food, water or applied to the skin); (2) Insufficient nutrition; (3) prolonged stress; (4) EMF radiation.
Dawn and David wrote the excellent book: 'What Really Makes You ill'.
Of course so many reasons we get ill Dee, and refined sugar is a key one. Dawn Lester and David Parker, I believe rightly, assign the reasons for most illnesses down to 4 key factors: (1) toxins (in air, food, water or applied to the skin); (2) Insufficient nutrition; (3) prolonged stress; (4) EMF radiation.
Dawn and David wrote the excellent book: 'What Really Makes You ill'.