I think the heavy use of sugar in much of the foods pushed in our stores and eateries has much to do with ill health. The refined sugar feeds most of the world's ills I think..

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Of course so many reasons we get ill Dee, and refined sugar is a key one. Dawn Lester and David Parker, I believe rightly, assign the reasons for most illnesses down to 4 key factors: (1) toxins (in air, food, water or applied to the skin); (2) Insufficient nutrition; (3) prolonged stress; (4) EMF radiation.

Dawn and David wrote the excellent book: 'What Really Makes You ill'.


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I suspect it's 99 percent terrain and maybe 1 percent germ. The only reason I give germ anything above 0 is that apparently that are extremely lethal "germs". However, I wonder even for those if the terrain is healthy, what would those lethal germs do, would they kill the person anyway?

There are several examples of how terrain is more important than germ. The obvious is that you expose 20 people to the same "germ", they don't all get sick! Another example is to take a piece of cooked meat, put it in a bowl, and leave it exposed to the air for a week. Do the same with bottled grape juice. Then look at the "germs" in each. They will be completely different even though they were both exposed to the same germs from the air.

But maybe the most important is that we live in a literal ocean of "germs". A normal human body houses 3 trillion bacteria and 30 trillion viruses! We have evolved thru millions of years living within this ocean of bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

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We're on the same page, though I don't believe in "extremely lethal germs", evolution or that the earth is millions of years old (it could be, or it could be only 5 thousand years old).

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100% agree David. Though I doubt there's any "spreading" from the jabs, certainly not in the "spike protein" sense. I believe mRNA jabs are a scam in the sense that they're not creating these proteins. Plenty of toxins in the jabs to cause havoc, such as graphene, hydrogels, PEG lipids and a wide range of heavy metals. 'The Spike Protein Myth', link below.


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Good points. I do believe in shedding in some way though!

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seems that it is indeed a phenomenon. Dr. Kory and Midwestern Doctor both have seen too many cases for them to ignore. Midwestern Doctor has written a couple of articles about shedding on his/her substack. Some of the cases are pretty make it very clear that it's exposure to recently vaxxed people that are making these individuals sick.

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