Now that Justin Welby has made history by stepping down as Archbishop of Canterbury in DISGRACE, the vacancy is surely one that only Satan can fulfil?
Bravo David. Tell it like it is. Drag it out into daylight. Just unbelievable! And yes! Satanic.
Accelerating towards oblivion.
Dear David
The Church of England is not congregational in its command structure.
That is, individual congregations do not have freedom of choice, as to what religion they wish to practice.
Unbiblical congregations, therefore, are clearly not acting 'on their own'.
They have clearly been authorized from the top.
As painful as this is, all Christians must boycott the Church of England ...
stop going ...
stop giving ...
Your money will only end up funding 'Drag Queen Bible Story Hour'.
Do you really want to see, the kids in the Sunday School, being bounced on the lap, of a cross dressing pervert ...
knowing that you paid for it ?
You may think that the man leading your local Church of England, is different ...
This is a lie that has worked fabulously well for a long, long time.
If he really is different ...
he will lead you all out of the Church of England.
If he stays ...
then he is on the side of the cross dressing perverts ...
and should not be allowed near children.
On each side walk the wicked when vile men are high in place - Psalm 12
God Bless
This is going to be used for a lot of whataboutary whenever the religion of peace comes up for criticism about its atrocities.
Bravo David. Tell it like it is. Drag it out into daylight. Just unbelievable! And yes! Satanic.
Accelerating towards oblivion.
Dear David
The Church of England is not congregational in its command structure.
That is, individual congregations do not have freedom of choice, as to what religion they wish to practice.
Unbiblical congregations, therefore, are clearly not acting 'on their own'.
They have clearly been authorized from the top.
As painful as this is, all Christians must boycott the Church of England ...
stop going ...
stop giving ...
Your money will only end up funding 'Drag Queen Bible Story Hour'.
Do you really want to see, the kids in the Sunday School, being bounced on the lap, of a cross dressing pervert ...
knowing that you paid for it ?
You may think that the man leading your local Church of England, is different ...
This is a lie that has worked fabulously well for a long, long time.
If he really is different ...
he will lead you all out of the Church of England.
If he stays ...
then he is on the side of the cross dressing perverts ...
and should not be allowed near children.
On each side walk the wicked when vile men are high in place - Psalm 12
God Bless
This is going to be used for a lot of whataboutary whenever the religion of peace comes up for criticism about its atrocities.